Episode 1

Published on:

23rd Nov 2021

S4 E01 - Real-Time Molecular Monitoring, With Tim Collins Of Arometrix

Tim Collins, Co-Founder and CEO Of Arometrix joins us to discuss their groundbreaking fraction finder and extraction finder devices. Tune in to hear how their real-time molecular monitoring systems are changing both the extraction and distillation games through the use of fluorescent spectroscopy.

As extractors, we want maximum data about what we are extracting or distilling, and the Arometrix Extraction Finder and Fraction Finders provide that data in real timeā€¦ during your run! Join us as we venture down the rabbit hole of spectroscopy, as applied to cannabis. 

Show artwork for The Modern Extractor

About the Podcast

The Modern Extractor
Professional extractors talk extraction!
The Modern Extractor is a podcast about the processes, equipment, and science found inside a cannabis extraction laboratory. Season one focuses on the process of ethanol extraction and post processing into either distillate or isolate. Season two focuses on hydrocarbon extraction and the craft concentrates that it can produce. Each episode digs deep into a particular stage in the extraction and finishing processes, and we discuss the various approaches with industry expert guests. Episodes are released in an order which follows the work flow through a lab, following material closely through the process from cultivar to concentrate.